Σάββατο 16 Μαρτίου 2024

ΚΕΦΑΛΟΝΙΤΙΚΟΣ ΜΠΑΛΟΣ. Ballos -- dance of Cefalonia


" Two suns, two moons came out today,

the one on your cheek, the other in the clouds.

On the sand, sand I walk, I tread the waves, 

I send to you, dear Elenio, my greetings.

cursed, cursed be the hour I loved you,

the hour and the reason for this poor body's pain.

My blooming violet, my violet blossom,

Under your shade who 'll fall asleep.

My blooming violet, may your blossoms fall,

may your heart wither, and your sweet lip.

Cursed be your beauty,for poison are your words,

poison and bitter olives are the words you tell me."


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