Κυριακή 16 Απριλίου 2017

Jews Want “Refugees”—But Not In Israel

Every major Jewish organization in America has publicly demanded that America open its doors to hundreds of thousands of Muslim “refugees”—while at the same time supporting the Jews-only state of Israel which has barred all “refugees” from entering.
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) has reported that eleven Jewish groups (including the Union for Reform Judaism, the Orthodox Union, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society HIAS, the National Council of Jewish Women, the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella body for Jewish public policy groups, and many others) have formally urged Congress “not to roll back plans to accept Syrian refugees into the United States.”

Another JTA article (“For Jewish groups, Syrian refugees are a reminder—not a threat,” November 24, 2015), reported that the “consensus among the three major streams of US Jewry—Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox—is derived from a shared understanding of Jewish scripture, said Rabbi Jonah Pesner, who directs the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center.
The JTA article went on to quote Rabbi Steve Gutow, the outgoing president of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, who said that “sympathy for the refugee was written into the Jewish cultural genetic code.”
This latter opinion was echoed in an article in the Jewish Exponent, America’s second-oldest Jewish newspaper, published in Philadelphia. An article in that paper (“As Anti-Refugee Sentiment Builds, Jewish Agencies Push for Settlement,” November 25, 2015), quoted Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, vice president of community engagement at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in New York, as saying that they had “been helping to connect local congregations with refugee families coming to their area.”
The Jewish Exponent said that Jews had “been spurred to action by the numerous High Holiday addresses dedicated to welcoming the stranger,” and quoted Rabbi Jonathan Roos of Temple Sinai in Washington, DC, who had spoken to his congregation about the need to assist Syrian refugees through the lens of Jewish law and tradition.
To that end, the Jewish Exponent continued, Roos’s Temple Sinai “has been working on the issue of refugees since 2014,” and although Temple Sinai “cannot directly sponsor refugee families, as congregations in Canada currently are,” Roos said that “Our own historical experience reminds us and points to the need to empathize, understand, and support the people who are in the same position.”
The overwhelming Jewish support for Israel, which has openly refused to accept even one refugee, contrasts dramatically with their support for the policy of promoting Muslim refugees into America.
It seems that Rabbi Steve Gutow’s “Jewish cultural genetic code” and Rabbi Jonathan Roos’s “need to empathize, understand and support” only extends as far as non-Jewish countries. When it comes to their country, Israel—which all these Jews fanatically support—this “need to empathize” is thrown out the window.
As reported earlier, the Israeli government has refused to accept any “refugees” from Syria or Africa—and is building a new wall to keep them out.
An official statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said that “Israel is a small country, a very small country, that lacks demographic and geographic depth. Therefore, we must control our borders, against both illegal migrants and terrorism.”
Israel’s official view on barring Syrian “refugees” was also detailed in the LA Times of September 6, 2015 (“One country that won’t be taking Syrian refugees: Israel”), where Netanyahu repeated his assertion that Israel’s “lack of demographic and geographic depth” required controlling its borders against both “illegal migrants and terrorism.”
In fact, Israeli immigration law makes it illegal for any non-Jew to immigrate to Israel at all, and has even resorted to DNA tests on immigrants it suspects of not being Jews.
IsraAID is mainly financed by the Israeli government’s Department of Foreign Affairs, but, as the Jewish Exponent article revealed, it is also financially backed by Jews in America:
Rabbi Lance Sussman, senior rabbi of Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel in Elkins Park, is a trustee of IsraAID, which aims to “help Israel, help humanity.” As a trustee on the organization’s North American board, Sussman is trying to build up the organization and solicit donations for the work IsraAID conducts in Jordan, Turkey, and the shores of Greece.
The hypocrisy could not be clearer:
 – In America, Jews are united in pushing for mass Muslim “refugee” immigration.
 – In Israel, which these same Jews all fanatically support, all such Muslim “refugees” are completely barred, and prevented from entering by law and physical barriers.
It is impossible to escape the conclusion that the Jews know that mass Third World or Muslim immigration to Israel will destroy that nation’s homogeneity and Jewish identity.
It is also then equally impossible to escape the conclusion that the Jews also know that their demand for more mass Third World or Muslim immigration into America will destroy that nation’s homogeneity and identity—but because it is a non-Jewish state, they do not care and in fact encourage its destruction.
It is one law for the Jews, another for the Gentiles: the preservation of racial identity for Jews, and the destruction of racial identity for non-Jews.

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