Παρασκευή 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Christ is Born -Χριστός Υεννάται

Christ is born, Odes 1-8, mode I
Chanted By "Romeiko Ensemble"
Χριστός Υεννάται,Ωδή α΄-θ΄ Ηχος α΄
Ψάλουν όι Βυζαντινή Χοροδία "Romeiko Ensemble"
English Text:
Christ is born; therefore glorify!*
Christ is come from heaven; go and
meet Him.* Christ is on earth; arise to
Him.* Sing to the Lord, all you who
dwell on the earth;* and in merry
spirits, O you peoples, praise His
birth.* For He is glorified.

To the Son, begotten* without flux, of
the Father, before the ages,* and who
was lately made incarnate* of the
Virgin without seed;* to Christ God
now let us cry aloud:* You have exalted
the horn of our strength. Only You are
holy, O Lord.
Jesse's root produced a branch, O
Christ,* and You its flower blossomed
forth,* from the Virgin who by Hábakkuk
prophetically once was called*
overshadowed, dense mountain.* From
her who knew not man You came
incarnate,* the immaterial God.* Glory
to Your power, O Lord.
God of peace and Father of mercies,
Your Son* You have sent unto us as
Your messenger,* the Angel of great
counsel who is granting peace to all.*
Therefore having been guided to the
light of godly knowledge,* waking
from the night to dawn, we sing Your
glory, O Lover of man.
Such as it received* Jonah as an
embryo, the sea beast disgorged him
from its bowels intact.* With the Virgin,
though, when the Logos had dwelt in
her taking on flesh,* He came forth
from her preserving her yet incorrupt.*
For from her no fluxion suffered He,*
and He kept her unaltered in
The children nurtured piously
together,* with contempt regarding the
impious king's decree,* intrepidly
faced the threat of holocaust,* and
while standing in the midst of flames
they chanted thus,* saying: O God of
the fathers, You are blessed.
Babylon's bedewing furnace bore the
image* of an extraordinary wonder.*
For it did not burn the youths it
accepted,* nor did the fire of Divinity
consume the Virgin's womb wherein it
went.* So let us melodiously chant in
praise:* Let all creation bless and extol
the Lord,* and let it exalt Him supremely
to the ages.

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