Σάββατο 4 Μαΐου 2013


Σχόλια από YouTube...

God must smile upon the Russian People...Christ Is Risen!!!
God bless the Russian people! Sadly, you'd never see that here in America.
Orthodox brothers ... Love for every human soul! Christ is risen! He is the Truth, the Way, A and Ω in everything!

I am Serbian and I love Rusia,Orthodox brothers ! ! ! Srbija - Rusia in heart ! ! !
Χριστός Ανέστη!!!!! ΕΛΛΑΣ-ΡΩΣΙΑ

I wish I had seen this during the 50 days at english football grounds :( All I heard there was abuse...
I need to go to Moscow next year and pray I am at a match like this one.
Indeed He HAS!!!! Bless all our wonderful Orthodox brothers and sisters in Russia.
Amen and amen!!!
I love this! I'd like to see this happening here in the US . . .
Christos Voskrese! Vaistinu Voskrese! This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. I am so very happy to see this. 21st Century Russia. I'm particularly touched, as an American whose Russian relatives fled Russia in the 1920s. I wish this would happen in the US as well.
This brought a :) to my face
happy easter!


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